Monday, September 13, 2010

Iliad Background Material, p.316-321

Please post your TEXTY response below. As discussed in class, if you have trouble posting please write your response and bring it to class. Sorry this posting is online a little bit late!


  1. Something that I read was that people held festivals in honor of the Gods and they hoped that the Gods would reward them. "The most famous example of such a festival is the Olympic honor of Zeus the king of Gods."(Prentice Hall 316). What kind of rewards did the people think they would get? This does not relate to me, this made me have my own opinion.

  2. Greek drama involved tragedies, which gave reasons for why people suffer. "Tragedies, which chronicled the downfall of a noble person, raised difficult questions about justice, evil, and the reasons for human suffering"(319). This relates to me because I enjoy plays about tragedies.
    Did the Greeks only perform tragedy plays?

  3. T- The Romans were very obsessed with God’s. They did whatever was possible to please them like building temples, praising them, and even sacrificing things for the God’s.
    EX- “Unlike the Greeks, the Romans were obsessed with correct ritual…”
    T- What made the Romans so powerful over the span of time they ruled most of the land?
    Y- Christianity for the Roman Empire was important and it is also important to me too.

  4. Philosophy was an important part of Greek culture because it helped them understand the world around them. "The philosopher Socrates developed a method of uncovering truth by asking probing questions (319)." How did Socrates develop this method that was so effective? This relates to me because I enjoy learning new things.
    Jake Hutcherson

  5. T-The romans were perfectionists, if something did not go the way they wanted it to they would go and redo it.
    EX- “ Unlike the greeks,the romans were obsessed with correct ritual,and they ha a practice, unknown to the greeks,of beginning a public religious ceremony all over again if any detail went wrong.”
    T- What other great stories could they have wrote about?
    Y-This reading made me feel interested in why they worshiped these gods so much and intrigued on why they were perfectionists.

  6. One section that I read about was about the Civil Wars. This was a very interesting section. “Meanwhile, poorer citizens often rioted, and groups of slaves sometimes staged revolts.”(317) Did the poorer people and slaves ever do any damage to the Roman Society, or did the Roman Society stomp all over them? This does not relate to me, but it did interest me, that is why I choose this quote. Sam Grise

  7. I read about how the Romans had to have perfect rituals unlike the Greeks."Unlike the Greeks, the Romans were obsessed with correct rituals and they had a practice, unknown to the Greeks, of beginning a public religious ceremony all over again if any detail went wrong(318)." Why were the Romans so serious about getting their rituals write the first time. This relates to me because i am Jewish and in my temple we have certain rituals.

  8. T: I thought that it was interesting the Romans were “masterful imitators rather then original thinkers(321)” when it came to philosophy and how they used others work to create their own.
    E: “In keeping with its religious origin, tragedy provided an emotional rather than a philosophical resolution for the questions it raised.(319).” - How they substituted tragedy in place of the philosophical resolutions to keep the readers entertained.
    X: How come it was after the Romans won their victory that they began to create their own world literature?
    Y: This reading made me realize the work behind what we will be reading and where it came from.

  9. I read about how Rome came to be a world power. "By 275 B.C., Rome had defeated all other Italian groups, as well as the Etruscans and the Greeks. African and Asian countries recognized Rome as a world power. (316)" How did the Romans become so powerful in that relatively short period of time? This relates to me because I live in the United States of America and we became a world power out of nothing just like Rome.

  10. I read about Rome and early Greek life and about Augustus Empire and the wars they got involved in and I realized what happens in history effects what authors write about.
    "The initial victory, in 241 B.C., ushered in the first flowering of Roman Literature and art." (pg. 317) A question I had while reading this passage was why did they have so many gods? This relates to me because when significant events happen in my life I write about or I have reactions to it. That’s exactly what ancient Romans did too they would have wars and then they would have writers like Homer interpret he's views on the situation.

  11. I read about ancient Greeks Religion and Rome. And by the end of the reading I realized how history is truly like a domino affect; one thing has an impact on something long down the road of life, even though they would never imagine the impact their actions would make. "Christianity began under the Roman Empire as a first century A.D. movement within Judaism. Believing in the divinity of Jesus..." (318). I don't understand why there is so much controversy between religions. When it comes down to it, aren't we all here in this beautiful earth together? Are we not all living beings, blessed to even be breathing? I really don't understand religion arguments at all. This reading made me understand more about ancient history. This relates to me because over the summer I truly got to see how my actions have a huge impact on not just me by everyone around me.

  12. T - I read about a variety of Greek Gods that were later adapted by the Romans, for example Zeus (Jupiter), Poseidon (Neptune) and Hades (Pluto).
    EX - "The Greeks perceived their relationship to the gods as one of mutually advantageous exchange..." (316)
    T - Could the Romans have such a big empire without the Greks' legacy?
    Y - I love reading about Greek gods, Greek mythology is my favorite.

  13. Hey Mike, that was really great.
    T- I read about ancient Greece and Rome.
    EX- "Mary said to Josheph 'yo jo, get me some juice and grapes, we throwin' a party up in here!'". Just kidding, "Until Rome emerged as a power in the fourth century B.C." pg. 316 paragraph 2.
    T- Were did they come up with the names for the gods?
    Y- This reading relates to me because I basically have the same body as Zues. Not only that, but, without mythology, there would not have been something to believe in back then. Myths gave people guidance and something to believe in.

  14. T-There were many greek gods that were adapted into later societies, though they were somewhat altered for each group.
    EX- "Unlike the greeks,the romans were obsessed with correct ritual" (318)
    T-How did the romans evolve to be such perfectionists in their rituals?
    Y-I can be a bit of a perfectionist myself at times, therefore i can relate to the ancient romans.

  15. Something that I read was that Rome was formed from a group of settlements and named after the largest city, Rome. "...early Latin settlements joined in self-defense." What made these settlements feel the need to rebel against Greek powers? This reading didn't really relate to me, but it made me realize how quickly Rome rose to be a world power.
    Sam Kroll
